Total Body Diagnostic Visit
A problem area, or whole body, 1 hour diagnostic visit. By the end of this visit, our provider will:
Perform a full neuromuscular screening
Provide a problem area detailed evaluation
Know exactly what to do to help you with your issues
or if they feel we are not a great fit,
Know where to send you next for help!
A problem area, or whole body, 1 hour diagnostic visit. By the end of this visit, our provider will:
Perform a full neuromuscular screening
Provide a problem area detailed evaluation
Know exactly what to do to help you with your issues
or if they feel we are not a great fit,
Know where to send you next for help!
A problem area, or whole body, 1 hour diagnostic visit. By the end of this visit, our provider will:
Perform a full neuromuscular screening
Provide a problem area detailed evaluation
Know exactly what to do to help you with your issues
or if they feel we are not a great fit,
Know where to send you next for help!